I was watching the Super Bowl. It was February of 2001. I lived in a place with questionable septic so I went outside at halftime to pee. I thought “Man, I really like to pee outside”. So I came back inside and wrote a song about it during the 2nd half. I didn’t know at the time it would be the defining song of my musical career. Hell, I always pictured myself as more of a Neil Young kinda guy but whatever. It makes me money and it’s touched people’s lives in ways I would’ve never imagined.

While there have been several fakes out there since I began selling merchandise, there’s only one original, and I actually legally own the trademark to the phrase “I Like to Pee Outside”. If I accomplish nothing else with my life I at least have that. Thanks for shopping! -Mike McAbee

p.s- I don’t just own a corny website, I’m also a corny musician! Check out my website at mikemcabee.com